Brighter Day Ahead-Special Mental Health Issue of Vibrant Life: A Review


Many people have experienced Loneliness, Depression, and Anxiety, especially during the days of the COVID-19 Pandemic. It is good to be reminded of the possibility of “Brighter Days Ahead.” This is what this new 48-page special issue of Vibrant Life is about.

This issue includes numerous suggestions about how to develop these “Brighter Days.”

Life can be stressful, filled with bad news, losses, and problems to solve. But the good news is you can control how you respond to stress.

Alternately tensing and relaxing muscles help reduce stress hormone levels and decrease general anxiety.

Laughter increases blood circulation and promotes muscle relaxation, helping to control symptoms of stress.

20 minutes outdoors without a tech device decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol by up to 21%.

Petting an animal for 15 minutes can lower your blood pressure by 10%

Talking about life makes it less scary. “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us to know that we are not alone.” A quote from “Mister Rogers”

There are some very good articles that can be helpful including:

Rethink what you think-How to unlearn and replace negative thoughts.

6 Everyday Things that Chip Away at Mental Health

Ordinary day-to-day challenges can have a surprisingly negative influence on your mental health. Identifying them and making small changes can lead to greater emotional wellness.

Coming Back to Life-How to Go from Languishing to Flourishing

Can you Change how you feel? A quick and easy guide to Understanding Your Emotions,

Am I Just a Worrier…or Do I Have Anxiety?

Many people could benefit from reading this special issue. For more information and on ordering this  Vibrant Life special online click here.

Published by Paul

Born March 14,1950- Swedish Hospital- Seattle, Washington, I was third child in a family that would eventually have 8 Children, as follows listed in order of oldest to youngest: Francie, David, me, Ruthie, Jonathan, Lawrence, Margi and Shirley Jean* Sadly, Ruthie and Shirley Jean are now deceased. I am married to my dear wife Marthanne and the two of us tied the knot on April 4,1982. Marthanne has been and continues to be the highlight in my life ever since. I can trace my love of reading books to my childhood and credit my parents who read books to us and encouraged a love for reading in all of us kids. When I was in 2nd or 3rd Grade, the school I attended had kids in grades 1-4 in one room and along the back wall of the room was a long row of books (our library) close to 150 different titles. That year I read every book in my room’s “library”. Just before I turned 22 in 1972 I came to visit some friends in Maryland. My friend Brent had just become the manager of a Christian book store in Columbia Maryland and he invited me to work with him. I accepted the job and in 2017 retired from a 45-year career in the same bookstore and organization. Reading books, selling books, meeting many amazing customers, and meeting interesting and delightful authors was an enriching experience I will always cherish. One of the things that we did at the bookstore was have author events where the author would come to the store and our customers could meet the authors. Several of the authors that were special highlights to me during my time at the bookstore include, Rosa Parks, Ben Carson, Barry Black, H.M.S Richards, Willie Jolley, Mark Batterson, Ted Wilson, C.D. Brooks and dozens more. It was because of this passion I have of reading books, and my lifelong experience being around books and meeting these marvelous authors that prompted me to start this blog. I enjoy reading and posting my reviews of these books and I hope you find them as interesting and spiritually fulfilling as I do.

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