Created Equal-The Painful Past, Confusing Present, and Hopeful Future of Race in America: A Review


This is the latest book by Ben Carson, with his wife Candy Carson. Dr. Carson is a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author!

This title reminds me of my grandfather who was a Civil Engineer and lived in the Pacific Northwest. In the 1930s he oversaw the building of a large hotel in Macon, Georgia. He was advised to not hire any black men and that he would not get good work from them. Grandpa said to treat them the same as we treat others we will get the same work from them. He hired black workers, treated them the same as he treated the other men working for him and he got very fine work from them!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The Declaration of Independence

Here are the chapter titles that help give an overview of what he covers in this book.

  • No One Is Born a Racist
  • How We Look at Race
  • The History of Slavery and Racism in America
  • Guilt and Victimhood Surrounding Race
  • Critical Race Theory
  • The George Floyd Turning Point
  • Media and Big Tech
  • Does Systemic Racism Exist in America?
  • Judeo-Christian Values and Racism
  • Is it Racism or Classism
  • Education, the Great Equalizer
  • The Path Forward

Some of the things which he talks about in these chapters include:

  • There has been significant progress made in America regarding Civil Rights and Equality. Unfortunately, the media and some influential politicians see that they gain by pushing the inequities and making victims out of minorities.
  • Dr. Carson asserts that the Path Forward will be much more in the right direction if the positive is emphasized more than the negative.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

You can find it in bookstores or shop for it online. For more about the book click here.

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones made this statement: “You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

I hope that many thousands of people will read this book. It would be life-changing.

Published by Paul

Born March 14,1950- Swedish Hospital- Seattle, Washington, I was third child in a family that would eventually have 8 Children, as follows listed in order of oldest to youngest: Francie, David, me, Ruthie, Jonathan, Lawrence, Margi and Shirley Jean* Sadly, Ruthie and Shirley Jean are now deceased. I am married to my dear wife Marthanne and the two of us tied the knot on April 4,1982. Marthanne has been and continues to be the highlight in my life ever since. I can trace my love of reading books to my childhood and credit my parents who read books to us and encouraged a love for reading in all of us kids. When I was in 2nd or 3rd Grade, the school I attended had kids in grades 1-4 in one room and along the back wall of the room was a long row of books (our library) close to 150 different titles. That year I read every book in my room’s “library”. Just before I turned 22 in 1972 I came to visit some friends in Maryland. My friend Brent had just become the manager of a Christian book store in Columbia Maryland and he invited me to work with him. I accepted the job and in 2017 retired from a 45-year career in the same bookstore and organization. Reading books, selling books, meeting many amazing customers, and meeting interesting and delightful authors was an enriching experience I will always cherish. One of the things that we did at the bookstore was have author events where the author would come to the store and our customers could meet the authors. Several of the authors that were special highlights to me during my time at the bookstore include, Rosa Parks, Ben Carson, Barry Black, H.M.S Richards, Willie Jolley, Mark Batterson, Ted Wilson, C.D. Brooks and dozens more. It was because of this passion I have of reading books, and my lifelong experience being around books and meeting these marvelous authors that prompted me to start this blog. I enjoy reading and posting my reviews of these books and I hope you find them as interesting and spiritually fulfilling as I do.

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